
Start Something!

Este é um pequeno texto com alguma história, que terei prazer em vos contar se o "Start Something!" merecer a vossa leitura. Desconheço o seu autor. Sei, no entanto, que o retirei de uma publicação.

Throughout history
most great
civilizations that
have declined
were victims of
stagnation rather than
led to decay.
In every country today
we find more people who
prefer the role of
spectator rather
than participant.
Whenever a problem arises,
The spectator asks,
"Why don't they do something?"
They can't help the police
to maintain law and order.
You can!
They are not responsible
for the conditions of your schools.
You are!
They can't give your community
good government.
You can!
Every civic group,
every business,
every sports club,
every good tradition,
every worthwhile institution
began with a need,
a vision
turned into reality by someone
alive, responsible
and innovative.
To the people who sit back and
"Why don't they do something?"
we ask,
"Why don't you?"

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